We use the most effective membrane available that WrapRoof created, start to finish specifically for roofing that will protect your property until you find the permanent solution
1 Year Warranty
WrapRoof has a one year leak-free warranty after install. Made to be more slip resistant, more tear resistant, and has longer UV protection than any other 12 mil shrink membrane on the market.
Mitigate Once
You only need to mitigate the damages once with our WrapRoof solution, saving you thousands of dollars and allowing you to remain in your property while protecting it from further damage.
What Is Wraproof?
WrapRoof secures failed roof systems from causing further damage with their patented leak-free solution.
This product is heatshrinked to float slightly above the roof surface, prevents mold, is vented, easily inspected, easily removed, and ensures that the roof is fully functioning and leak-free.
We work quickly to secure your roof today and prevent your property from further damage with our 1 year leak free warranty.
Why Choose Us?
The WrapRoof product is installed without causing additional damage to your roof, unlike the typical blue tarp installation that would need to be replaced an average of 12 times to match the lifespan of our solution.
This method is applicable to all types of roof systems, no matter the material, size or complexity of the roof.
We leave your roof looking well maintained for a full year while keeping it preserved, mold-free, and fully functional.